Chris is committed to excellence, is a very hard worker and has a positive attitude.
Chris Ruiz, the Campus Services September 2017 Employee of the Month, adds great value to the Housing Residence Life Team and is an excellent Area Manager. He is committed to excellence, is a very hard worker and has a positive attitude.
And that is just the beginning of what this extraordinary Georgia Tech employee does.
In fall semester this past year, Chris’ team experienced significant hall director turnover. With three vacancies, Chris assumed the additional duties and kept the area running smoothly. The Living Learning communities, Freshman Experience program, Hall Council officers, student staff were all engaged and supported – as if nothing had changed.
“Chris focuses on doing the best for our students and staff,” said Brett Hulst, Associate Director of Residence Life. “I am so happy to work with Chris as his supervisor. He embodies the reasons that I love working with students and working in Housing.”
In addition to making sure all the departments continued to run smoothly during the period of short-staffing, Chris advised the Freshman Activities Board and met with them at their weekly night meetings and attended their programs.
He also worked with the Professional Development Committee, creating and presenting educational programming to Residence Life professional staff.
And to make sure the profession as a whole kept up with the industry, Chris worked with other leadership members to plan the American College Personnel Association Convention in Columbus, Ohio.
“Chris is a great representative of Georgia Tech Campus Services,” said Paul A. Strouts, Vice President, Campus Services.
Other qualities of this employee of the month?
“He’s very loyal to his staff and students,” said Mike Black, Assistant Vice President, Georgia Tech Housing.
And what does Chris say?
“I really appreciate the work I get to do here.”
We are too. Thank you, Chris Ruiz, Area Manager, Housing, and September 2017 Campus Services Employee of the Month.