Brenda Harmon, the December 2017 Campus Services Employee of the Month, is liked by many, especially students if the many thank-yous she has received mean anything and we think they do.
Brenda Harmon, the December 2017 Campus Services Employee of the Month, is liked by many, especially students, if the many thank-you notes she has received mean anything and we think they do.
These are a few of the eight pages of thank -ous Brenda received:
- Thank you for all your hard work and all that you do! ·
- Thank you so much for all you do!
- Thank you for helping us create a safe and comfortable living space!
- You are awesome!
- Thank you for being so amazing!
- Thank you for all you do for us and all your cheerful smiles. You are always bright and cheerful, even in the morning!
- Thank you for going above and beyond for us this year! We truly appreciate it and I’ll miss your bright and loving personality next year (graduating student).
- Thank for making us feel so loved!
Besides the many compliments Brenda receives from her students who live in the residence halls where she works, her supervisor congratulates her on her skills.
“Brenda is a great worker who has no problem going beyond the call of duty,” said Renardo Williams, Housing Community Services Supervisor.
“I can ask Brenda to do anything dealing with working, and I can tell you, she has never bucked her eyes, frowned, or expressed any rebuttal when given instructions. Brenda takes great pride in her building.”
One of the skills needed for Brenda’s Custodian II level of knowledge is floor care machinery operation. Brenda wasn’t as skilled in this area as needed, but she “jumped in and accepted the challenge.” Now, she routinely checks out the floor extractors and buffer machines to maintain carpeting, grouted floors and vinyl flooring in her building.
Prior to her arrival at Georgia Tech, she worked at Morehouse College in the President’s areas of campus. Clearly, she has brought a strong work ethic with her.
In addition to learning new skills, doing an excellent job in keeping her areas spotless and making friends of all her student residents, Brenda has received multiple Perfect Attendance Awards.
“While we understand that no one is perfect, I think that Brenda Harmon is the model employee that any company would be happy to have,” Renardo added. “I am grateful that she landed here at Georgia Tech.”
Thank you, Brenda, for your hard work and your natural friendliness especially to our students. Congratulations on being selected the December 2017 Campus Services Employee of the Month!