Jerett Lupoli is one of four Campus Services student employees recognized for his excellent, above average work. In fact, because he received the Campus Services Student Spotlight award, he’s known as exceptional.
Jerett Lupoli is one of four Campus Services student employees recognized for his excellent, above average work. In fact, because he received the Campus Services Student Spotlight award, he’s known as exceptional.
David Knobbe, assistant director, Campus Recreation Center/Outdoor Recreation, said it like this:
“Jerett is innovative, works tirelessly to improve his community, is committed to real-world problem solving, and is conscientious, personable, and inspirational. He is an exceptional leader and team member who has distinguished himself as committed to service and professionalism. His work ethic is unparalleled; he sees possibilities in situations where many miss them. He is always available to help, and he holds himself and others to high standards of performance.
“I consider Jerett Lupoli to be one of the most impressive students with whom I have worked. His efforts have impacted hundreds of students in positive and significant ways.”
When asked to tell us a bit about Jerett and what he does at Campus Recreation (CRC), David said:
“Jerett is the current Wilderness Outpost manager at the CRC; he has a 3.8 cumulative GPA. He is a 3rd year electrical engineering student set to graduate in May 2020. He has been employed by the CRC since spring of 2017.
“Besides being an excellent employee, he has volunteered with ORGT Whitewater Kayaking since 2016, logging at least 3,000 hours of service to other students. He has led or assisted with over 25 instructional whitewater kayaking adventure trips with ORGT; taught at least 50 kayaking roll school clinics at the CRC; assisted with the coordination of a high-end whitewater expedition in 2017 which served 12 people and lasted 12 days, and involved preparing the team for the 10 months prior to the trip. He is an excellent risk manager and organizer. He is a licensed Wilderness EMT. He served as the primary organizer for the Whitewater community (Vice President) in spring and summer 2018. He has served on the ORGT advisory board for a 2017-2018.”
With all of these descriptions and more – David wrote much more – it was easy to see that Jerett must be selected as a 2019 Student Spotlight.
Like all Campus Services Student Spotlight recipients, we asked Jerett a series of questions about himself and here’s what he told us:
Position at Campus Services Department: Manager of the Wilderness Outpost
Major: Electrical Engineering
Year in School: Third Year
Hometown: Dunwoody, GA
How long have you worked in this position?
- Since August 2018
What are your duties in this position?
- I rent out outdoor equipment and sign students up for Outdoor Instructional Trips. As manager, I oversee creating the schedule for the other employees and delegating tasks.
What do you like best about working in this position?
- The best part of the job is signing up students for our instructional programs. I love to see their excitement in trying something new.
How has this position helped you?
- This position has helped improved my organizational and leadership skills. Managing eight other employees forces me to delegate out tasks and relay important information from the CRC to our department.
Favorite Book?
- All the Harry Potters
Favorite Restaurant/Food?
- Sotto Sotto’s Lasagna
Favorite Spot on Campus?
- The gravel path
Favorite Quotes?
- "Just because you want to do something doesn't mean you get to do it. Life is chaos; success is completely arbitrary, and confidence is everything." -Gina Linetti
What do you like to do on the weekends?
- Whitewater Kayaking around the southeast.
Who is your favorite professor and why?
- Dr. Doolittle is my favorite professor because he successfully makes his class informative and fun. He also challenges students to think about their future and how the course material will be used in our career.
What is your favorite class and why?
- ECE 2036 has been my favorite course because the assignments were both fun and challenging.
Tell us about some organizations you’re involved with on campus.
- I am involved with Outdoor Recreation Georgia Tech. The organization leads outdoor trips for students in eght different sports. I lead the whitewater kayaking trips.
What advice do you have for incoming students?
- Everyone should try something new. College is about finding yourself and you shouldn’t be afraid to try a new activity. This will be the cheapest and easiest time to do it because there are so many fascinating people on campus who are willing to share their knowledge.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
- I tap danced for five years before college.
Favorite TV show?
- Brooklyn 99
What will you miss most about Tech after graduation?
- Seeing my best friends every day.
What are your plans after graduation?
- After undergrad, I am going to get a masters at Georgia Tech.
Thanks, Jerett! What a pleasure to learn about all you’ve done for Georgia Tech and especially Campus Recreation.